Clinical Dermatology Treatments
Clinical dermatology treatments help you unlock the best possible treatments for all nail, hair, and skin-related diseases. These treatments are done by normal treatments such as oral medication, topical treatment, injection treatment, and biological treatment. All of these treatments are very safe and have no side-effects. These treatments include skin allergy treatment, skin infection treatment, leprosy treatment, and more.
Cosmetic Dermatology Treatments
Cosmetic dermatology treatments help you unlock the best possible treatments for making cosmetic changes on your nail, hair, and skin and to treat their diseases. These treatments are done by various tools and equipment like a laser, photo therapy chambers, and surgical procedures. All of these treatments are very safe, and with proper pre-causes, there can be no side-effects. These treatments include skin resurfacing treatment, oily skin laser treatment, vitiligo/leukoderma treatment, and more.
Diagnostic Procedures
Diagnostic procedures help you unlock the understanding of the disease and its cause. These procedures are done by performing various tests and examinations. These procedures include dermoscopy, trichoscopy, and onychoscopy.